Either use the Quick links or click the pictures.    
Quick links:
Mad & ALS
Tegnestuen Lundbak
Viborg Amt
Fredericia municipal
Ikast municipal
SFI intranet
Consulting Version 2
SFI - Social Arv
Consulting site
SFI site
Mariott Hotel
SAS Groundservices
Vojens municipal
Eterra internet
Eterra intranet
Festival guiden
Mad & ALS homepage
Made this for an old friend for her final exam project. The site was created to helt people who suffer from Amyotrofisk Lateral Sklerose.
Made in November 2005
Architect Lundbak homepage
Purely helped with the design on this site, as a favor to a friend (Gigrafisk.dk).
Made in September 2005
Scrollbar homepage
The homesite of the IT-university's friday bar. The site is still under construction. I primarily made the design and the basic HTML shell for the site.
Made in August 2005
Ven-po homepage
Still under contruction at this point (marts '04) Just need the information and pictures to put on the page and some final touch-ups.
Made in Feb/Marts 2004
Ide-Fix homepage
Helped a friend of mine with this site for his brothers company. Simple, but I like it.
Made in December 2003.
Viborg municipal internet
I assisted Viborg Amt in some of the tecnical aspects of their new internet page. I had nothing to do with the design on this page, purely technical support/development
Made in November 2002
Fredericia municipal internet
This is another presale design layout. This one is for the Fredericia municipal. It is also made to show some of the potential in the CMS system we use to create web solution.
Made in November 2002.
Ikast municipal internet
This is a presale design layout for Ikast municipal. I made this site to show Ikast some of the potential in the CMS system we use.
Made in November 2002.
SFI intranet
Yet another intranet, which unfortunately isn't viewable, since it's behind a firewall and is for internal use only, so you will have to be content with a screenshot from the site. Click the small picture to see the screenshots. Made in October 2002.
Eterra Consulting and architecture
I decided to make a Version 2 of the Consulting and architecture site, to further show what the ,Synkron.com, CMS system is capable of. Again it is mainly for costomer presentation.
Made in October 2002.
Den Sociale Arv
The research program, The Social Inheritance, is based on the experi- ences gained from the knowledgebase made from the reseach The Negative social inheritance (1999), done by the Institute of Social Research (SFI) and the Municipal Research Institute (AKF, The Danish Educational Research Institute and the Danish Institure for General Health (SIF). Made in September 2002.
Eterra Consulting and architecture
I made this site as a presentation page, to be used during presentations to future customers. Therefore the fontsize may seem a bit big. The design is a bit unusual to display some of the things it is possible to do with the CMS system we are using. Made in September 2002
The Danish National Institute of Social Research is an independent governmental research institution affiliated to the Ministry of Social Affairs. The Institute is interdisciplinary, bringing together researchers from economics, sociology, political science and other social science disciplines. Made in August 2002.
Mariott Hotel Copenhagen
I helped a friend of mine design and make a layout for a flash CDrom. The CD will be sent to you when you order a room at the Mariott Hotel Copenhagen. The CD will hold information on what is happening in Copenhagen at the time of your visit. Made in July 2002
E-faktura is an internet based invoice- and payment system. The system makes it possible to automize a great deal of the billing process between the sender and the recipient. I made the redesign of the page, since it was unviewable in 800*600 in it's original design. Made in July 2002.
SAS Groundservices Intranet
Like most intranets the SGS intranet unfortunately isn't viewable, since it's behind a firewall and is for internal use only, so you will have to be content with some screenshots from the site. Click the small picture to see the screenshots. Made in June/July 2002.
Vojens municipal intranet
This site is an intranet as well, so again you will have to be content with some screenshots from the site.Vojens municipal wanted an intranet that looked a bit like their internet site. Made in June 2002.
Vest-wood Intranet
This too is an intranet solution, so it isnt viewable either, Im afraid. Vest-Wood wanted an intranet with the same look and feel as their internet. Made in June 2002.
Jyda/Sekvensa makes hinges and other assorted gizmoes for modern kitchens. The page is made in two versions, with Danish language and English language.The site still needs a business2business module added. Made in May 2002.
Eterra internet
This is the compagny I currently work for, so naturally I got the opportunity to "clean" up their webpage. The site is made with a CMS solution called Synkron. Most of the work I do is with this CMS system. I works great with major sites and intranet sites. Made in March 2002.
Eterra intranet
This is the intranet of the firm I work for. We spent a great deal of time making sure the right information was put the right place. The intranet has been a big succes, that has become an invalueable tool for the employees. Made in December 2001 and January 2002.
Festival guiden
I made this site during my education to become a Mutimedia designer. The site was made as a finishing project with a classmate. The site never got launched, since neither of us had the time to "run" it. Made in June 2001.
A good friend of mine approached me with an idea to make a rock/heavy music site in danish. This is what became of the idea.At the moment the site gets more then 18.000 hits a month. The site continues to get more and more visitors every month. Made in January 2001.
This site was a part of a school project, where we had to make a flash project. A classmate and I, decided that we wanted a "real" assignment, and contacted Bertoni and asked them if we could make a redesign of their exsisting website. They gave us permission, and this was the result. Made in April 2000.